Sunday, February 26, 2012

It’s Time For The Mission: (Impossible)

Okay my fellow soldiers for Christ.  You have been assigned your own personal and special mission.  The mission will be named Impossible for each of us.  Remember everyone it is your mission only.  You can’t worry about anyone else.  Now I can’t promise that this will be successful for anyone who chooses to go.  Not everyone is going to make it through this, and some people are not going to show up.  Even though this mission is a personal endeavor the actual assignments are the same.   Everyone has to wage war against our common enemy; the devil and his helpers the demons.  I urge each individual to check and see if you are sufficient enough for this war.  (Luke 14:31)
Don’t let the title of Impossible discourage anyone.  The title is just a title, impossible doesn’t mean that will be our outcome.  If you believe in the Lord then it can be possible.  (Mark 9:23) The Most High God who created all things will allow us to use special weapons during this mission.  We will be issued our weapons from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the son of God.  (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) Jesus has been giving full authority to issue weapons to anyone that be found worthy.  (2 Timothy 2:3-4) I must remind you; before you go into battle, flesh will not be able to stand against this enemy.  (2 Corinthians 10:3, Ephesians 6:12) This enemy will have to be fought in the spirit; who is not to be taken lightly.  As a matter of fact he has many names; such as roaring lion, a serpent, and a liar.  (John 8:44) He is very skilled at deceiving people, so be careful.  (2 Corinthians 11:3) Some people are going to lose their lives, but that is nothing to frown upon because there will also be souls gained.  If you complete this mission or even lose your life fighting for The Kingdom of Heaven you will be rewarded.  The reward given to those found worthy is greater than anything that we can imagine.  (Revelations 2:10)
I am praying that everyone makes it through, but the reality is everyone will not.  You have to have a hatred for the enemy, if not its possible for you to be exploited.  You can’t think of the people or things that you will lose in this battle.  To go against the devil means you have to go against people who support the devil.  This could mean people in your family, people on your jobs and people you call friends.  If you have people around you not helping you to prepare for battle then cut them loose.  If you have material possessions that may cause you to fall back then dump it.  You need nothing that is going to weigh you down, stop you from praying and cause you to look back. (Luke 17:32)  It is okay to sing spiritual songs and psalms if need be.  Do whatever it takes to keep your mind focused on the mission.  (Ephesians 5:19) Now the question is . . . who among you are truly willing to take on this mission and all it takes to stand on God’s word?  My fellow soldiers for Christ I salute you as you begin to take on this mission.  May God be with you and help you make your mission impossible into a mission possible!  God Bless and protect yourselves at all times.

As Always
It Is Wriitten. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Ungodly Inventions of Man

For years man has always come up with new ways of doing things in our every day lives.  Everything man has invented is mainly made for us to sew to our flesh.  Some of these things I believe are and were intended to under mind The Most High God.  God said in His word that we are not to commit fornication.  Galatians 5:21, I Corinthians 6:9, I Thessalonians 4:3  My question is why did man create condoms, birth control pills, morning after pills, and any other contraceptive pertaining to sexual behavior?  The answer is very simple; people want to still enjoy the sinful pleasures of the flesh.  Just think about it.  We are not supposed to fornicate at all, but man has invented these things so people can keep fornicating without any of the worries.  Well that’s what they think; you can not con The Most High God.  Your condoms will fail causing you to contract an incurable sexually transmitted disease.  Your birth control will fail also or even make you sterile so can’t have children.  Just the other day a brother sent me an article on gonorrhea.  600,000 people are infected by gonorrhea every year.  It has become a disease that is not responding to the antibiotics that are currently being used for treatment claims one spokesperson from the CDC.  This strain of gonorrhea is spreading very rapidly amongst young adults and especially homosexuals.  That’s right; men that have sex with men are spreading the disease more than anyone else, according to the CDC.  I believe Romans 1:21-32 takes care of that little piece of information.  Now the condom is being used by married people to hide their dastardly deeds from their love ones.  It may for a moment protect you from diseases and impregnating another woman, but it is not stopping you from going to hell committing the sin of fornication and adultery. 
I also believe that all gaming consoles such as the play station, x-box, wii and any other type device were invented to take away needful one on one time with God.  Deuteronomy 6:5-7.  The time people spend playing on these consoles is the perfect time to read and study The Word of God.  This is also a good time for people to pray for others.  Some people may not agree, they think that gaming consoles keep their children from hanging out in the streets with troublesome kids.  That may be so but we should be seeking God while we have the time to do so.  Man can give you all the great statistics about how some of these inventions helped people to live pleasurable lives.  But he can’t give you the statistics of people who spent their lives in pleasure who are now in hell!  II Timothy 3:4.  I pray the young people who spend time playing these games find Christ Jesus and let him be your only friend.  I pray the people who are sexually active realize the inventions of condoms and all the birth controls were actually sent to destroy them.  They give people a false since of security.  They are trying to keep you fornicating and committing adultery.  Have you ever wondered why?  It’s a simple answer to this question; simply because God said not to.  Repent people.  Ask God for forgiveness and receive Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior!

As Always
It Is Written.     

So You Don’t Think You Commit Idolatry Part II

I was at work talking to a brother about something that just would not leave my mind.  I told him about some you tube videos I previously watched the weekend before work.  This gentleman, who was saved from being a spiritualist and demon conjurer, explained three ways how the devil will get people to worship him and send themselves to the kingdom of Hell.  One way he said really stood out to me.  The gentleman said that satan or the devil said that people disqualify themselves from Heaven by Christian Idolatry.  I am not going to go into his explanation of Christian Idolatry, but I will use that statement to drive home a point.  I went into the scriptures to get a clear understanding from God about Idolatry.  The first scripture that God showed me was Exodus 20:4-5.  Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a Jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and forth generations of them hate me.  Okay brothers and sisters we know the roman catholics bow down and worship graven images including mary.  Could the Christians be doing the same?  I think that Christians participate in a lot of idolatry.  If you have statues of angels and pictures of Jesus in your home I believe you are committing idolatry.  You all know you probably prayed in front of those things before as if you were kneeling before The Most High God.  I believe if your vehicles have fish symbols, crosses, and angels then you are committing a form of idolatry.  The hip hop guys with the crosses and Jesus image are committing idolatry.  Make no mistake God is clear about what he said in Exodus 20:4-5.  People may get upset behind this, but it is what it is.  My wife and I went through our house like a tornado throwing away anything considered to be an image in God’s sight.  As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!  Seriously people think logically for a moment that is a subtle way for people to condemn themselves and not even know it.  Remember the devil always uses subtlety.  Genesis 3:1, II Corinthians 11:3.  This country is full of idolatry also.  That big statue called lady liberty that a lot of people will knock a hole in your head over, yes that’s idolatry. Leviticus 26:1.  When you pledge allegiance to your flag you’re committing idolatry.  That black Jesus painting on your grandparent’s wall is idolatry too.  I know some people will disagree, but God said it in His word.  The things God said back then goes for us today whether you like it or not.  Just don’t do it little children, I John 5:21.  Last but definitely not least.  I wonder about that big cross on top of your church, looks kind of suspicious to me.  What about that painting of the last supper of Christ that is in the Bishop’s office?  Or maybe those angels on the stained glass windows are okay with God.  Could the church or fashion of a church possibly be automatically disqualifying themselves from the Kingdom Of God?  By doing something so minute such as putting a statue of Jesus on the steps of your church could very well do people in.  I know this one thing, you are going to have to seek God through Christ Jesus and ask him about idolatry for yourself.  I did and I’m not letting the devil use subtlety on me.  God’s words are truth!  I pray for God to open our minds, ears and eyes to understand his Word In The Name Of Jesus!

As Always
It is Written.   

Make Me New (Perverseness + Glorifying God doesn’t = Righteousness)

Four years and one month. . . .that’s how long it’s been since I published my first novel, First Monday In August.  There were plenty of days I’d come home, sit in front of this computer, and stare blankly at my manuscript of the sequel.  The story has come sporadically, but its coming.  For a while I chalked it up to writer’s block.  After the second year I stopped kidding myself.  A LOT has changed inside of me since 2007.  And oh what a wonderful change it’s been; I must add!  Like the children of Israel I’ve been on an Exodus to the land of Canaan God has for me.  Also like the children of Israel being stiff-necked and disobedient has kept me in the wilderness longer than I’ve cared to be.  I’ve been stagnant in the completion of my book and will even say I was stagnant in my way of living and thinking. 

THE number one lesson I have learned on my literary journey is I am not the next Zane nor should I try to be.  Just because sex sells in the world; it doesn’t have to sell with me.  I’ve learned I don’t have to be vulgar to tell my story.  I mean, come on now, we all know if it were not for sex none of us would be here, right?  And yes, real life happens but there’s a better way to get things across to my readers.   Like a church sign I once saw; Jesus Christ doesn’t take you out of the world but takes the world out of you. 
I admit, even while writing First Monday In August I felt conviction in my heart and the disobedient person I was; I tried to justify it by saying, “this is real life.  real life happens” knowing deep down I wasn’t true to myself.  It’s funny how movies depict the voice of God as some booming bass that blasts down from the heavens amid shining light.  I guess He would come across this way if He ever found it necessary but for me it’s been a still quiet voice; that voice of quiet wisdom and reason that cuts through my bull and straight to my heart with ease like that of a warm butter knife slicing through freshly baked bread.  It states plainly in Romans 12: 1-2:  1.  I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  2.  And be not conformed to this world:  but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 
Simply put, salvation is transformation.  And the transformation process can be ugly.  When God and the Holy Spirit begins to truly deal with your heart you have to face each and every single nasty, ugly, perverted thing you’ve ever done in your life.  I had to take a long hard look at myself to figure out what’s down inside of me that had me like this?  Where was this spirit of perverseness coming from?  And how did this perverseness help glorify God in my literary work?  These questions swirled in and around me for months.  I didn’t want to face the reality of where this spirit could’ve come from.  But God made me face it once and for all.  For me, there were any number of ways this filth found its way into me; from being molested as a child, to mutilating God’s precious temple with the tattoos I put myself through, or it could’ve been passed down through our family bloodline (yes; that happens too).  Add to this list the number of television shows, commercials, and movies that are softly pornographic but still pornographic all the same.  And even the music I listened too played a part.  I played myself right into the hands of the enemy in thinking if I throw in what I know of God then these perverted sexual scenes would be okay because there’s more to the story than this.  I was so, so, so, so, very wrong.  How can I proclaim the gospel and still have perverted thoughts?  That’s a perversion in and of itself!  How can I claim to be saved with these kinds of thoughts rolling through heavy?  The message of redemption is totally missed if I’m calling up lust in my readers.  And the truth of the matter was I wasn’t saved.  I was a hypocrite.  That truth hurt me but it had to be told and I feel I’m a better person for it.  Thank you Jesus!  

Once I began to pray and fast against this spirit you can say ALL hell broke loose, literally; from demonic visitations to dreams showing me how good it used to feel being of my flesh.  Oh, I forgot some of ya’ll don’t think demons are real?  I’m here to tell you different, they are!  But glory be to God I’m learning how to fight back with the tools our Heavenly Father equipped us with.  Ephesians 6:12-18  This is a spiritual warfare that CANNOT be won through the flesh.  And as I continually seek His face each day my freedom feels sweeter than the day before.  So, will I ever finish the sequel to First Monday In August?  Lord only knows.  All I know now is I will allow God to decide; if He moves me to finish it then so be it; I’ll finish it.  If not, then oh well, I’m fine with that too.  But if I do, I do know one thing for sure; I shall take heed to Proverbs 4:24; put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee.   

Until next time beautiful people I pray for God to create within us a clean heart and renew a right spirit with us!

by:  Khyrra

Confessions of a Former Weed Head

In life, I’ve come to be a little more transparent. And I guess today is testimony day because these thoughts have been rumbling and tumbling through my mind like building blocks for a couple days now. Quiet time can be THE best time to hear from God if we only allow it. I say this all of the time and I stand on it. But the truth of the matter is; a lot of us don’t want to hear what God has to say because the truth hurts. It’s a mighty big pill to swallow if you’re not in a place to receive the truth, digest it, & then make a change for the better from it. I’m not talking about the truths everyone can see on the outside on a daily basis. Nope. Unh Unh. I’m speaking of the truths that only you and God know about. The ones that are buried deep in there; the ones that hurt to think about sometimes because if you do the confidence and faith you had will crumble and go back to square one.

Part of my truth is; I used to be weed head. Mind you…the key words are USED TO BE. So please don’t go calling or emailing my job. Thank you! Admitting the problem is the first step to recovery right? Anyone who truly knows me knows I was an advocate for legalizing it and had the same outlook a lot of people continue to have about it. God put it here so it must be okay right? It’s natural and I’m not bothering anyone when I’m chilling right? At least I’m not a crack head or coke fiend right? And trust me; I’m not ashamed of my past which is why I guess I can speak freely about some things now.

The thing I’m finding from trying to live righteously is when the enemy knows your past; just like God does; it will use that to try and weaken you. It will come at you to try and entice you back into the very bondage you’ve been freed from. I used to look at smoking as the proverbial cold beer after a long, hard day. So as an opening, my mind tried to revert back to those days of coming home to “unwind”. One day after work recently, my mind said, “it sure would be nice to roll a fatty one mo’ time”. I immediately pushed my thoughts into a different direction to stop the craving in its tracks so to speak. Let me tell ya’ll something about’s a powerful tool when applied correctly. Instead of reliving that feeling I used to get from smoking I went to my knees and had a conversation with God, which leads to me to the reason I’m writing this post.

Along time ago I came to my personal conclusion of WHY I smoked. I didn’t need rehab for me to dig deep. My counselor was the man Himself. Right in the midst of a session He spoke to my heart; stripped me of all the vain excuses I usually gave of why. It was a very painful experience. Wounds of life I thought were long healed re-opened. That hardened scab burst and all the stinky puss and blood seeped from my heart. Along with it, tears I thought I was through shedding. My truth? Smoking was part of the bandage I used to cover it all up. It wasn’t to unwind; it wasn’t to help me write; it wasn’t because it felt good; it was because of pain I chose to keep hidden from myself for fear I would crumble back to nothing.

Ohhhh but I know a man named Jesus! Today, I stand on renewed strength and a peace of mind weed could never give me. That high was only temporary. But the high of the Holy Spirit is everlasting! Trust me when I tell you this! If your someone reading this and still partake then I challenge you to take a long hard look deep into your heart and ask yourself the very same question; why? Why continue to temporarily escape when you can be permanently free? Because you know what? When my high was gone and my munchies munched; my life was still what it was. My son was still dead. Bills were still due. I still had to get myself up and make it through another day at an unfulfilling job. I challenge you to begin loving yourself the way God loves us. I challenge you to try prayer instead of escape. I challenge you to come to Jesus and repent. Sometimes, facing our deepest pain is the beginning of greater blessings just waiting on the other side of that pain. A freedom so profound you won’t want to look back! I sing loud and actually mean it….I’m freeeeeee praise the Lord I’m free! No longer bound! No more chains holding me! My soul is resting! It’s just a blessing! Praise the Lord! Halleluiah! I’m free!!!

Peace and love beautiful people! I leave with you the following scriptures: 1 Corinthians 10:13, Romans 5:1-11, 1 John 2:15-17, Galatians 1:20-21, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, & lastly 1 Peter 5:8 <-- Be sober. Be vigilant. Why do you think they call marijauana ‘the gateway’ drug??? Those ideas we get from being in that space could lead to something way more sinister than your average high. Be careful, demonic possession is real.

by:  Khyrra

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Surely No One Can See Me!

I think most professing Christians believe that they can outwardly be Saints but inwardly be sinners at heart, because they think no one can see them.  Take the time to remember when you were a child in your parent’s home.  You probably did many things against their wishes when you were clearly told not to do so.  I will even include myself in this; I did not always obey either.  Most of the time, we did those things because we felt as if we were getting away with it because no one actually saw us do it.  This is how most people in the world today view God.  God is our Father who expects us to love and obey him.  The people of the world are sinning but are not trying to hide it.  It is the so called church folk and the so called holy ones that are hiding out behind religion masking their sins.  I am not saying everyone who goes to church or proclaims to be holy is a sinner; what I am saying is that a lot of them want every body else to believe they are children of God when in reality they are the children of the devil.  God’s children do not molest young boys and stay in an overseer’s position in a place called the church.  How can people raise a sinner up as a king and a prophet of God that has not yet repented from his sin?  The answer is that no one actually saw him do it and that is the witchcraft and sorcery he is using to keep those soulish people bound and confused.  I have heard conversations of people saying out loud that they will never tell on themselves.  Literally saying, “If no one saw me, why should I tell?” (Proverbs 15:3, Proverbs 5:21)
  When it comes to telling the truth I don’t care who you are, you have to tell it even on yourself.  We are going to have stand before The Almighty God and his Son Christ Jesus to be judged.  (Ecclesiastes 12:14, Matthew 12:36, 2 Corinthians 5:10) Let’s get serious people just look at all the stuff going on around you.  It is in your homes, at your jobs, in your family’s houses, and at most churches.  God is Omnipotent and He is Omnipresent.  NOTHING gets by The Most High God!  (Job 34:21-22, Amos 9:2-3)
This message is for you o foolish man; you think because you are a great deacon for your church but your wife does not see you at the motel having sex with that prostitute.  God does.  This for you o foolish woman; you think because you have served on the mother board and sang your heart out in the choir but think it is okay to roll a fat joint and smoke it on your back porch.  It is not okay.  This is for you o foolish young man that think you are a good child to your parents; you think because that young girl you raped in college could not name you because she was heavily drugged that you got away with it.  You didn’t, God saw it.  This is for you o foolish daughter; you think because you were by your self when you entered that abortion clinic and killed that baby, no one knows but the clinic and you.  God saw that too.  What about you o bishop?  You think because your congregation does not see you bending your boyfriend over the bed rail that you are actually getting away with it?  Once again, God sees it.  What about you o sister; you are so meek, mild, and pleasant all while you are ushering the Saints to their seats for Sunday service, but as soon as Sunday night gets here you are not so quiet while you are doing the latest dances at ladies night getting all the free drinks by 11 o'clock. (1 Corinthians 15:33)
People do the wicked things they do because they believe that they are not being seen!  They think since man did not catch them in the very act they got away with it.  Wrong!  Everything we do is being recorded.  You are not getting by with anything.  I strongly suggest every one of you that are fooling yourselves to repent of your wicked deeds and turn to The Almighty God.  Pray to be purged inside and out, ask God through Christ Jesus to remove all known iniquities and all unknown iniquities far from you.  Pray for forgiveness.  Pray for the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ to wash you thoroughly!  Stop sinning because surely Someone. Does. See. you!                                                     

As Always
It Is Written.                                                                                                                       

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Line has been drawn, which side are you on?

It is time for people to choose either God or whatever else.  You noticed I said whatever else?  That is on purpose because people are literally worshipping any other thing than The Almighty God.  The Devil is bullying people and there is not too many of us standing up to him.  It is time for people to get some intestinal fortitude, seek God through Christ Jesus and get full of the Holy Ghost.  I hear people all day long saying they are tired of going through things they go through.  They are tired of being tormented by the devil and his demons.  I hear a lot of complaining but never see anyone doing anything about it.  People’s first thoughts are to go to church on Sunday’s and everything will be okay.  When you get home and get in the bed then those demons start tormenting you again, and those thoughts come back into your minds you ask yourself why does it keep happening?  It is happening because you are not seeking The Holy Ghost!  Therefore the demons are trying to take your bodies for themselves. 

When you went to your church on Sunday the pastor preached about sowing seeds and becoming wealthy here on earth.  As a matter of fact most Sundays that is mostly all he preaches.  In reality you are being rendered helpless in the warfare that is taking place right before your very eyes.  By not being taught to seek the Holy Ghost or not being taught to fast and pray; then your chances of surviving are slim to none.  Demons are very real and they have real power also.  (Matthew 8:28-31, Matthew 9:32, Matthew 12:43-45) That is why it is important that we seek to be filled with the Holy Ghost.  Jesus Christ cast out demons all the time.  He also commanded his disciples to cast out devils in his name.  Why are most places of worship not teaching their people these things?  A lot of church people will even say not to speak of such things while preaching at their churches.  By choosing not to acknowledge the devil does not mean he isn’t real. (Matthew 25:41)  He is very real, and he is taking people captive at his discretion.  (1 Peter 5:8, James 4:7) When you choose to do evil you give the devil or the demons permission to enter you.  Sin and evil is of the devil.  Do not let allow anyone to deceive you if you are sinning.  (1 John 3:8-10)  My question to you is; what is in you causing you to sin?  If you tell lies then you have a lying demon.  If you commit fornication then you have a fornication demon.  If you are committing homosexuality then you have the demon of homosexuality in you.  There are many more demons that people are not aware of.  That’s why people have to choose God first, and then actually get into this war that is brewing.  It is a spiritual war taking place right this very moment.  All people seem to care about these days are things they can only see in front of them.  While you are watching the super bowl this weekend someone that is possessed by demons is going to die and go to hell.  While you are sitting at your computer watching BeyoncĂ© videos someone is dying that is full of demons.  While you are in church Sunday thanking God for your shiny BMW there is someone that needs you to pray for them to get delivered.  In this war you have go to your prayer closet and commence firing your weapons against your adversary, the devil.  Do you realize God allowed satan to tempt Job?  (Job 1:6-10)  What do you think he feels about me and you?  That’s why you should be praying always that you be not overtaken by evil. 

Come on people its time out from all the playing church!  Those feel good sermons that you hear every Sunday that is sowing to your flesh is not going to profit you anything. (Mark 8:36)  You will be helpless when the devil unleashes his demons upon you.  If you have a lot of money it is not going to stop the devil from crushing you.  Your houses with all its security alarms won’t keep the demons from entering into you or your house.  All that money you put in the collection plate won’t save you either.  Maybe you think if you are sitting in church that will stop the devil.  No, he hides out in the false churches now also.   Remember Judas was paid by the high priest to betray Jesus. (Matthew 26:14, John 13:2)  The devil or satan had entered Judas in order for him to carry out that evil deed.  So if satan entered Judas causing him to betray The Son Of God, he can do the same to you.  Satan is a fallen angel which is a created being, therefore he can and will be destroyed.  He and his demons have a lake of fire waiting on them.  Let us earnestly seek God through Christ Jesus, repent and turn from our sins, and pray to be endowed with power from The Most High God.  Without the Holy Ghost Power we will not be able to defeat the devil. 
The line is drawn, which side are you on?

As Always
It is written.