Saturday, January 28, 2012

A Temple Worshippers Mind

Now most people are wondering what this could possibly mean.  If you will allow me a moment of your time; I'll tell you.  If you grew up around or in the church you probably were indoctrinated by that church or institution.  I know people are going to kick against this, all I ask is for you to go and check the scriptures before you make a conclusion.  Over the years men and women have been taught to go to church, pay your tithes, and everything will be just fine.  I’m sorry, that’s just not how it is supposed to be.  If you think going to a church every Sunday, paying tithes, listening to your choir, and crying because you think the pastor's sermon is about you because he worked your emotions, then you have a temple worshipper’s mind that needs to be set free.  Let’s look in the scriptures for a little bit to examine what is being said.  Acts 6:12-1412; And they stirred up the people, and the elders, and the scribes, and came upon him, and caught him, and brought him to the council,13; And set up false witness, which said,  This man ceaseth not to speak blasphemous words against this holy place (temple), and the law:  14; For we have heard him say, that this Jesus Of Nazereth shall destroy this place,(temple=church)  and shall change the customs which Moses delivered us. 
What is being described in those scriptures is Stephen who was filled with the Holy Ghost.  The people came against him because of their temple worshippers mind.  This thing is so serious that it had people coming against the Holy Spirit of God which is worse than what they accused Stephen of.  Let’s go further.  Acts 7:48-51; Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet, 49; Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool:  what house will you build me? saith the Lord:  or what is the place of my rest? 50; Hath not my hands made all these things? 51; Ye stiff necked and uncircumcised in the heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost:  as your fathers did so do ye.  This is what’s wrong with a lot of people today; not receiving the Holy Ghost but defending their churches/temples.  Its time for people to realize they are the Temple of God and he wants to dwell in them.  1Corinthians 3:16-17, 1Corinthians 6:19, 2Corinthians 6:14-18, Isaiah 52:11
Let’s examine another scripture.  This is from our Lord Jesus Christ.  John 2:19-21; 19; Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. 20; Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? 21; But he spake of the temple of his body.  Once again the temple worshippers mind who had the Son Of God right there in their faces asked him about a building instead of giving reverence to the Son Of The Most High God.   There are more scriptures to support this belief.  Matthew 27:1-7 You will see where Judas gave the silver back to the priest in the Temple, and the priest said it is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood.  So to the priests it was okay to kill Jesus Christ but not okay to take blood money into the temples treasury.  Those are minds of people who worship Temples, organizations, and churches but do not worship Jesus Christ and The Most High God.  Take the time to examine yourself to see if you could possibly have a temple worshippers mind instead of someone who is truly about the Father’s business.  The objective is to witness to lost souls and bring them to Christ, not promote your church. 
I pray that this reaches whomever it is supposed to reach especially those trying to gain deeper understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and God The Father.  Read Isaiah 1: 12-20 to see exactly what The Most High God has to say about it.  In verse 16 God says to wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil.   To get free you have to go to the altar, confess your sins, repent (turn away from your sins) and come to God.  Matthew 15: 8-9 tells us again how The Most High God is not being worshipped earnestly from people’s hearts, but in vain through doctrines and commandments of men.  Now someone will probably read this and totally miss everything that is being said.  The objective is to show the difference between someone who worships the temple and someone who is the temple of God.  Someone who is a temple worshipper goes to church every Sunday, pay tithes, sings in the choir, ushers at the door, and anything else that involves working in the church; but never truly turns from their sinful nature.  These people are led to believe these works are all that’s needed to get into Heaven, never coming to the understanding what’s really needed is to enter into a covenant relationship with Christ Jesus and God.  A person that is a temple of God is someone who is cleansed from their sins, lives the life style of a Born again Believer, always giving over to prayer and fasting and they themselves are the ones doing the work of the ministry, teaching, preaching, healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons and setting the captives free, and most importantly they are filled with the Holy Spirit.  I pray God directs you in the way you should go.  Remember to always check the scriptures to prove everyone and everything.        

As always,

If It Is Not In The Bible

The other night just after I finished praying as I went to lie down a thought came to my mind; actually a series of questions.  One question in particular makes me wonder why a lot of proclaimed Christians do some of the things they do but it is not in the Bible?  When I was a kid my mother had to always go to the church to sing in the choir.  Some Saturday’s my sister and I had to go to choir rehearsal with her.  I remember asking my mom if this entire routine she was doing necessary?  She replied, “Not only is it necessary; you and your sister will also be in the children’s choir.”  She told me that we are supposed to be good Christians and serve the Lord by singing in the choir.  My mom was a great soloist and I and my sister could sing pretty well also.  After I grew older I began to read the Bible for myself.  One thing I noticed was that nothing about serving in a choir was in the scriptures.  I went to my mother and requested that I no longer participate in choir duties.  She was upset, but said it was up to me if I want to serve the Lord like a good Christian is supposed to.  Jesus Christ never mentioned anything about singing in the choir.  Apostle Paul never mentioned anything about singing in the choir.  I chose not to sing in the choir and now I was not serving the Lord as a good Christian; so she thought.  (Ephesians 5:19-20)
It is up to each person to realize and hear from God to understand the way in which to serve him.  People will try to bind you by what THEY have been taught through mans traditions.  I personally choose to follow and worship Jesus Christ.  We must realize that you don’t have go outside of what’s written.  I turn on the television sometimes and see shows that actually have choir competitions.  It makes me wonder what people are really being taught during their church services.  This particular church from Georgia had the nerve to ask members and people not associated with that church to help sponsor them in a national choir competition.  People; let’s get real; there is no such thing of choirs competing against one another in the Bible.  How can people be about The Father’s business if we are wasting time with silly choir competitions?  Someone needs to be praying, healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons, and cleansing the lepers.  All of these things are what the saints are supposed to be doing.  (Matthew 10:7-8)
 I heard people discussing another topic dealing with today’s church.  One gentleman said he does not like people who only come to the church for pastor appreciation day, church anniversaries, and any other special church ceremonies, but will not come to regular church services.  “They are hypocrites” is what he called them.  “How are they hypocrites?” I asked.  “None of these things are in the Bible, but you still participate in them also.”  It is people like him that will not understand, so I pray that your mind is one day able to comprehend this.  People it is time for us to get back to the old pathways that Christ Jesus taught us.  Man has come along and added to the Word of God teaching strange doctrines.  Not one person that may read this can find any of that manmade stuff practiced by Christ or any of the Apostles.  Some people will even defend it not fully understanding they have been deceived. 
I am not trying to offend anyone; I am only letting people know the truth.  If it is not in the bible, I will not let my children be taught about the pagan customs of the Easter bunny.  If is not in the Bible, I will not tell my children that some fat jolly man in a red suit gets them their presents or that Christmas is even a holiday that should be practiced by real Christians, for that matter. (Jeremiah 10:2-5 & 1Corithians 12:2)  If it is not in the bible, I’m not going to say its okay for a woman to have the office of a Bishop. (1Timothy 3:1-7)  I hope people are starting to catch on.  Most of everything we celebrate, things we teach our children, places we go and hangout are not in the Bible.  My people get into the word and research it for yourself and pray to God that he sets you free.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

So You Don't Think You Commit Idolatry?

There's a guy I know who is head deacon at his church and proclaims to be a Christian who once shared a story with me about the things he allows his sons to do. The two young men are fairly grown, maybe in their mid twenties.  He said he found out they were drinking and smoking marijauna secretly in their rooms and sometimes out back.  I asked him, "Man you must have hit the ceiling when you caught on to what they were doing?"  His reply took me by surprise; I mean, I was not prepared for what he was getting ready to tell me.  He said after thinking about all the stuff he used to do around their age it kind of made him feel guilty.  He told them as their father it is his job to protect his children, so if you are going to smoke and drink; do not do it while you are driving and it is okay if you do it at home; just go down in the basement so your mom won't have to smell the stench of the marijauna.  Not only was he okay with them doing these things; it was later revealed that he sometimes participated with them.

Another example I'd like to share; one of the sons was pulled over by the law while going back to school.  The officer found residue in his ashtray.  During another conversation this person bragged about how he went and testified for the young man; telling the judge that the residue belonged to him and not his son.  The judge let him and his son off because they could not clearly identify the residue.  The father said it was from his Viagra pill and they could not prove otherwise.

Furthermore, his other son; has a lot of babies by different women.  He said, "My son is a player just like his daddy was."  So, I asked a question one day, "Do you think that it's okay for your son to have all those children by different women?"  He replied, "Man, long as my boy is not gay, it is cool with me."  I replied, "He is a fornicator.  He is destroying those young ladies lives and most importantly he is destroying those children's lives. Why won't you tell him that?"  He told me to wait until I get kids then I will see why he is okay with it.  The way he replied he was basically saying that I really can't say anything because I don't have children of my own.  I had no problem telling him I don't have to have children to know right from wrong.  I don't have to have children to know what God says about raising and instructing children in righteousness. (Proverbs 22:6)

After listening to all the things that were said, it reminded me of Eli and his sons in the Bible. God told Eli that he honored his sons above God.  (1 Samuel 2:29-30)  This man honors his sons above God.  Also, by letting them fornicate, drink alcohol, smoke marijauna while staying in his house, and doing those things with them is a form of Idolatry.  Rather than obey God some people care more about how their kids, mother, father, wives, and husbands feel.  Jesus Christ said those that love mother, father,sister and brother more than me are not worthy of me. (Matthew 10:37 & Luke 14:26)  If you put your children above God's statutes, if you put your wife or husband above God's statutes; then you are an idolater.  No one is above God and His word, not even your favorite grandma who is a bootlegger and was married to your granddad while simultaneously sleeping with his brother.  Not even your favorite uncle whom you idolize, but every few years he has to serve time for allegedly molesting kids.  A lot of times people idolize their family members knowing they walk totally contrary to God's Word.  I ask everyone to look around them and make sure that you are not committing some form of idolatry!

As Always,
IT Is Written.