We look at others and try to examine them to figure them out.
Some people try to put everyone that doesn’t look or act like them into
hell. For example, you may see the stripper on the stage dancing; many automatically
assume she is not going to make it or isn’t fit for salvation. But you may
see her days, weeks, months, even years later and she’s ministering to you and
has grown in her spiritual walk. This is why we as individuals need to
keep our eyes or vision stayed on the Lord. He knows the end of all our
lives. I know people have their perceptions of everyone else. But
you are making a grave mistake wasting too much time eyeing other people’s
personal situations; you might just forget to get yourself together.
It is imperative to check ourselves daily to see if we are in line with
the Lord. II Corinthians 13:5 Examine
yourselves, whether you be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye
not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates.
Why are peoples vision altered so terribly? Because they have been brain washed for most
of their lives. Let me give you an example of high level brain washing or
altered vision. A few co-workers and I were talking about fishing one day
at work. I said, “Man, I just don’t have
the time anymore. The only day I could
probably go is early Sunday morning before I go to service.” He replied with, “Oh no! Not on Sunday! You can catch the devil on Sunday!” I replied, “What! Are you serious? The devil is not confined to just Sundays.” He said, “I don’t care. All the old folks say you are only supposed to
go to church on Sunday, not fish.” I
told him, “Dude if the devil wants you to catch him you will, especially if you
are fishing for him! It doesn’t have to
be just on a Sunday.” Now you tell me,
how can he believe the sayings of old wives tales, but if you tell him it is
not okay to lust after other women, he will try to justify this by saying as
long as he doesn’t touch them then there is nothing wrong? Isn’t that fishing for the devil? And lust happens twenty-four hours a day,
seven days a week.
People; our vision has been altered for way too long. It’s sad a lot of us refuse to see for
ourselves. A lot of religious minded people
don’t even attempt to open and read the bible.
And even when they do they only tend to find the scriptures they can
pervert to try and justify the things they still do in their flesh. They have been brainwashed by these church
performers to come and be entertained by them. If you are sitting under someone who doesn’t
encourage you to have a personal relationship with Christ get away from there
quickly! We must individually know God and His word for ourselves. You have to be taught correctly by church
leadership in order for you to grow in Christ.
It’s a lot of evil things in this world that are sliding by and people
aren’t even noticing them. If your
vision has been altered you will only see Obama, the first black President. You will not be able to see that he supports
abortion and homosexuality because he is a homosexual or that he’s signed bills
that will give the government free reign over our so-called freedoms. With your vision altered all you can see is
the world going on forever with you and your family living happily in peace. You will not be able to see the Kingdom of God
established as soon as this present evil world ends.
Another example of altered vision; I was at a local diner that I
get lunch from time to time when the owner who is a seventh day Adventist asked
if I was going to get me some easter eggs. I told her, “Jesus dying on the cross and
resurrecting has nothing to do with any easter eggs.” She tried to explain, “Well that’s what they
came up with and celebrate it makes their people happy.” So I said, “Okay then Miss Lady go ahead and
be happy, but I don’t have to participate in any pagan practices.” I can’t twist her arm, but I can pray for God to
clear up her vision. Which also brings
me to the debate of Holy days; if your vision is off you will try to confine
the Most High God to one day. You have
some people that think church is only supposed to be on Sundays, you have
others that think it’s supposed be held on Saturdays. I believe God should be praised and worshipped
every day.
If God has showed up in your lives and manifested Himself to you,
no one can take that from you. People that have never experienced the
Holy Ghost are always going to criticize those who have. Now that you
have been cleansed and set apart from the world, go stand in the gap and pray
for others to be set free. Don’t worry about the naysayers and
pessimistic people, just witness. It’s
time to take off your rose colored lenses and see the world for what it truly
is and begin to stand on God’s EVERY word, not just what sounds and feels good.
It’s time for us remove the fear of
persecution. If we are true believers in
Jesus Christ then it must be understood we shall be persecuted for His
sake. John 15:20-21 To do so; we can’t allow our vision to remain altered
by the world and the things in it.
Remember this, we can try to see things that are too far and miss seeing
things that are near.
As always,
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